Supporting Agencies
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0300 100 1234
08457 909090
0300 123 3393
0808 808 1001
0808 802 0925
0808 800 5000
0800 1111
Domestic Violence Support:
Offers a free 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline as well as an online guide ‘The Survivors Handbook’. Children may also benefit from visiting their kids’ website ‘The Hideout’.
0808 2000 247
Support and advice for male victims of domestic violence, information for their families and for men who want to change their violent and abusive behaviour.
0808 801 0327
Works in partnership with Women’s Aid to provide advice and support to anyone experiencing domestic violence. Provides safe, emergency accommodation throughout the UK. Website offers a useful help for children section.
0808 2000 247
Offers counselling and support to men who want to change their violent or abusive behaviour.
0203 642 8850.
Advice, information and telephone counselling. Help in some community languages is available.
0161 636 7525
Parents with addiction:
Help for people who think they have a problem with alcohol.
0845 769 7555 or 0800 917 7650
Help to callers worried about their own drinking and support to the family of people who are drinking.
0300 123 1110
Offers hope and help to families and friends of alcoholics or young people whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Service dedicated to meeting the health, welfare and legal needs of drugs users and those who live with them.
020 7324 2989
Recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean.
0300 999 1212
Advice and information for young people about drugs. Free, confidential advice and information about counselling and specialist drug services.
0300 123 6600
Supports adults, young people and families who have a problem with drugs or alcohol.
National helpline offers free support to anyone affected by the drug abuse of a family member. Nationwide self-help groups are available.
0207 4984 680
Offers advice for compulsive gamblers and their families.
Provides support, information and advice to anyone suffering because of a compulsive gambling problem. Live online advice also available.
0808 8020 133